The dawn-to-dusk hartal enforced on Sunday by the main opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party and Jamaat-e-Islami across the country protesting at police and ruling party attacks on Saturday’s BNP grand rally in Dhaka was observed spontaneously.

 The countrymen have seen this new version of the hartal(strike). In support of the hartal, the common people of the metropolis stayed at home and did not leave their homes. Most of the workers did not go to the office. The street was empty. There were no buses on the road. Secretary General of Dhaka Road Transport Owners Association Khandkar Enayet Ulyah announced the bus strike. But in a press conference on the day of the strike, he said that the bus was not brought down because there were very few passengers. Running a bus costs money. If there are no passengers, the cost does not rise. The owners did not take down the bus for this. The speech of this leader of Dhaka Metropolis of Bus Owners Association and Awami League revealed that there was a lot of support from the people in the hartal(strike).

BNP leader Rashid was found dead after he fell from the rooftop of a building in the capital’s Mohammadpur area on Sunday afternoon. BNP alleged that Rashid was detained by Awami League activists after a procession in support of hartal in the Mohammadpur area. He was beaten indiscriminately after being taken to a building and pushed off.